What If Women Were In Charge?

// Given at WI?02013 on Mar 2, 2013

A quick Google search of the question "What if Women were in charge?" renders many funny pictures of pink Swiss army knives complete with tubes of lipstick and automobile consoles adorned with cosmetic products. In many respects it seems that people find the prospect of women in charge more of a superficial joke than a reality. By examining how public policy might be different if women called the shots. I challenge audience members to not only imagine a world led by women but also to see it as a positive and welcome possibility.

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Dr. Cinnamon Brown

Empowered Female Crusader

Cinnamon Brown is an Assistant Professor of History at Westminster College. She received her B.S. from the University of West Alabama and her Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. Although her research focuses on territorial New Orleans, she loves to teach classes in a variety of areas such as women and African Americans. Her interests in these subjects have inspired some of her favorite courses including Scandalous Women in American History and American Slavery. When not at westminster, Cinnamon loves to spend time with her husband Mark and their two cats LBJ and Josephine. She also loves reading, jogging, and fighting for women's causes.

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